What birth order personality do you have?

Research has shown that birth order has a substantial effect on our personalities and the way we live our lives. While some people fit their birth order, others do not.

What birth order personality are you most similar to? Does your personality reflect your actual birth order, or do you stray from the norm? This quiz will help you discover your "true birth order."

Created by: Lauren

  1. When put in a group, how do you react?
  2. When there is a conflict, you...
  3. When it comes to your abilities, you...
  4. What is MOST important?
  5. At a party, you are likely to...
  6. If you have been working on a presentation and at the last minute you realize you forgot to finish an important part of it, you...
  7. When meeting new people, you...
  8. Which of the following sets of traits best describes you?
  9. When going on vacation, you...
  10. If you were to go hiking, you would...

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Quiz topic: What birth order personality do I have? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Family Quiz category.